Monday, June 19, 2006

Progress Report 6-19

1. *Start eating healthfully again - Total bust. I blame PMS. Bad week to start dieting!
*Force self to get up earlier and go to the Gym. 8:00am isn't THAT early. - Um... never made it to the gym. Oops!
*Snack smarter - eh... I munched on pecans and almonds at work, and cheese, which is good, but I also ate a loyt of junk like Litle Debbies and Hostess Donettes.
*Less Diet Soda, More Water. - better on this one.

2. *Take better care of my skin - I went to bed with makeup on every night
*Shave legs every time I shower. - Very good on this one!
*Set aside one night every week for defuzzing eyebrows, arms, etc. Let's call it Beauty Night. - Also good.
*Make appt. to get hair straightened. I can afford it now. Slacked off on this one.
*Use self beauty night to also attend to hands and nails. Start using cuticle salve - Nails are decent. I meed to quit picking at mt cuticles
*Find dang cuticle salve. It's around here somewhere. - I looked everywhere! Used lotion instead.
*I spend all that money on makeup, might as well use it! Wear makeup EVERY DAY, not just powder either - Did okay on this
*#3 on beauty night agenda is pedicure. - Toes look good!

3. *Make effort to find jeans that fit, at LEAST one pair. - nope.
*Quit buying tee shirts. Old Navy is just an evil enabler - didn't buy any tee shirts.
*Take the one minute required every morning to put on some jewelry. - Very good on this one too.

4. South beach. It worked before, just do it! - Ate crap all week
*Prepare healthy snacks to take to work with you, to rid temptation. - Did well on this
*Dittto with lunch. - Bad with this!
*Figure out where the hell my crockpot went!!! - Figured it out, need to buy a new one... *sigh*
*Force self to cook. TOO BAD IF I AM TIRED!!! Think of quick, easy, healthful meals that are yummy. - Slacker again, although we id cook a couple of times.

5. *Start making "To Do" lists every day, and stick to them! - This lasted 2 days
*Put at least one housekeeping item on To Do list every day. - See above
*No computer time until To Do list is completed. - HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
*Get up when the alarm clock goes off the FIRST time. No more Snooze button. - Feeling reallt bad now...
*Be responsible for one dog walk a day, MINIMUM!!! - Better, but not good
*Get up earlier and go to the gym. - Bad week
6.*Read "How to Win Friends and Influence People" and apply principles to life.Halfway through it. Working on remembering people's names. It's really hard!
*Try to be more positive by thinking of one positive thing for every pessimistic thought that I think. - I need to be more aware on this one.


Blogger justem said...

Just so impressed that you even made a list of goals. I have a goal to make a list of goals.

6:38 PM  

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