On Efficiency

Even though my initial reaction is to be incredibly annoyed and slightly offended, I just have to laugh when people tell me I spend "SO MUCH" time on the computer in a snooty, judgmental way. Hey - I look at it this way; my house is clean, and it didn't get cleaned by a hired housekeeper either. My family is fed good food and I try to do it mostly from scratch. I get in plenty of play and snuggle time with the boy. He's almost always clean and never has nasty crap on his face. He can identify every letter of letter of the alphabet, can to count to ten, and knows most of his colors and shapes. We're doing good work toward potty training, although he's not quite two yet so I'm not in that big of a rush. All this and I still manage to make fun crafty things for my home.
Maybe I'm just better at efficiency and multitasking than some people! Or maybe it's because I don't watch very much television. All I know is that I don't give people crap when they start telling me about "their shows" so maybe they should learn to extend the same courtesy to me about my vices.
Isn't that the truth? It's so easy to judge other people, and unfortunately, I've caught myself doing it many more times than I care to admit. It's usually something that comes out of my mouth without having given it enough thought. Without fail, I feel badly afterwards, realizing the obvious -- there are many sides to every story, who am I to judge or it's their choice and why do I care anyway? When I take one step back and look at those unfair judgements, I can usually see that I'm actually irritated with that same behavior in myself. Afterall, the things we don't like in other people are often the things we don't like in ourselves. Or in some cases, maybe the behavior I am judging is something that impacts me in a negative way. But instead of communicating that to the person, I snarkily comment on them and their choices. That's a solution that only leaves me feeling anxious, regretful, controlling, and judgmental inside. It's always better for me to confirm that it's none of my business or there's a better way to talk about it. Judging pushes you away from the people you critique. It's the equivalent of shoulding on someone. It never works, for either party.
I never thought you spend too much time on the computer. If nothing else, I think you spend too little time; I love reading your blog and sometimes I don't see an update for a while, and I think, "Dang, this girl needs to get her butt on a computer." Seriously. Whoever says that is a sillyhead.
And never apologize for getting up late with the kid. Jenna sleeps until 9 and it is BLISS.
I know this isn't the point but omg I LOVE Hyperbole hehehehehe
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