Saturday, September 22, 2007

Lunch in a Box

Got me a new banner. I've been posting more bento stuff lately than pole dancing stuff, so I put a chef-y looking banner up there. She's cute.

And now, I present: My Lunch.

Here we have a hard boiled egg, garnished with a bit of carrot, some broccoli, and yakisoba. I buy the noodles in the refrigerator section of the local Asian supermarket/Sprouts and just keep them in the freezer until I need them. They are Maruchan brand and come with a sauce packet that I usually toss. There are three individual serving size packets in each package, so they are perfect for bento. I just defrost them in the morning by running them under some warm water for a couple of minutes.

For this, I stir fried some carrots and baby bok choy in my wok for a few minutes, tossed in a couple shrimp, cooked them until the shrimp were done, and then put in a little bit of this Soy Ginger stir fry sauce I got at Whole Foods under the 365 Organics label. I emptied that out into a bowl, tossed the noodles into the wok, stir fried them for a minute, added some more sauce, stir fried another minute, then divided them into the boxes. I topped it with the shrimp and veggie mixture. Entire cooking time - less than 10 minutes, including prep!

This was lunch on Thursday. I have the standard broccoli and edamame with a steamed roast pork bun, some carrot starts, turkey meatballs, steamed rice, and a fishie of shoyu. Simple yet Yummy.

Today I was able to score two Hello Kitty bento boxes at Dollar Tree! They're way more secure than the other two tiered boxes I have, because the lids snap on kind of like Tupperware does, which is nice. My pink and red ones (the pink was in the last pic) have to be secured with an elastic band for travel.

Can't wait to try it!

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