Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Again, with the not blogging!

Sorry y'all.

I've been SICK. *cough* *cough*

In all honesty though, I am. I started feeling gross last Monday, and now it's just lingering. Pain in my ass, I'll tell ya. I'm sick of it! HA HA!

Thanksgiving went mostly smoothly. I did get slightly overstressed at one point, but in the end, it was all good. We had my husband's grandparents over, and his mom flew down from Seattle. She was loving the weather down here. I made a turkey, stuffing, green beans, mashed potatoes, gravy, and rolls. We had pumpkin pie for dessert, but I made a cake too just in case.

I have to say, as a cook, I kick ass. I can't be modest here, it's one of the things I do really, really well. There aren't a whole lot of those, so I'll brag on what I can. The turkey was perfect, even the white meat was juicy. It browned just right. I made the stuffing in the bird, since you can't call it that unless it's been stuffed in something, right? That got the most rave reviews I think. The mashed potatoes had roasted garlic and parmesan cheese. The rolls were yeast rolls that I made from scratch and had rising all afternoon. Some were shaped in crescents and some were done in a muffin tin as pull-apart cloverleaf rolls. The green beans were plain steamed ones, with just a little bit of crispness left to them. None of that green bean casserole business, yuck! The gravy was my favorite part I think. I used the drippings from the bird and it was just perfect, no need for seasoning, and nary a lump in sight. Girlfriend can make some gravy!

My husband's grandparents furnished the pumpkin pie, and no one had any cake because we were all too stuffed! The cake was devil's food with chocolate buttercream frosting, and covered in chopped pecans, all from scratch. Holy cow, I had some a few days later with my friend and even we were shocked at how good it was. That's dangerous, a whole cake in the house like that!

We hit the mall on Friday, but not until after noon. It was fun to people watch, and we had lunch. After we dropped my mother in law off at the airport we went to Old Navy where I scored a cashmere sweater for only $30, and then Buffalo Exchange where I got a super warm yet cute coat in anticipation of our New York Trip for only $13!!! It's reversable too. Sounds tacky, but I swear it's not. I just have to get it to the cleaners now.

I started tagging along with my friend to the dog park, and man, is it entertaining. Dogs of every size, shape, color, and breed are there, all playing together and running around like fools. It's funny how all the little ones want to roughhouse with the big ones, and all the big ones want to get in your lap and slobber on you! I saw a dog that was as obsessed with the ball as Gidget is, a yorkie that was bigger than my 12 lb yorkie, and a dog that could climb trees. Gotta love it.

I also helped my friend set up her mom's christmas tree. That was fun. I can't believe how many Hallmark/Keepsake type ornament she has. She has an ornament for almost every Disney movie out there, not to mention a ton of the holiday Barbie ones where Barbie looks like a drag queen. I'm sure she thanks you, Bob Mackie!

I'm going to TRY to eat healthier and get some exercise so I can lose a little weight for New York. Fat girls just aren't as chic as thinner ones, I'm afraid to say. I'm keeping my eyes peeled for good deals on black and gray clothes and shoes that are stylish, yet comfy enough to walk in. I'm VERY excited, if you can't tell. My boss brought me two guidebooks, and I can't wait to read them. Well, I kinda read one, it was a little flip book kind. Oh, and I've added getting a Grey's Papaya hot dog and also Century 21 to my NYC list. WOO!

I've been using Bloglines to read people's blogs, because it's supposed to be sooooo convenient... well, turns out that it's not so much that people aren't blogging anything for me to read as Bloglines isn't updating everything! So if I haven't been to your blog in a while, this is probably why. I didn't even realize it until I read Em's blog that she was having the problem. Sigh. Technology.

Anyway, until later!


Blogger justem said...

I am totally jealous that you have a dog park by you!! I LOVE the dog park!! I wish we had one close by!
Glad to hear thanksgiving went well..you sound like a fabulous cook!
Hope you are feeling back to normal soon!

3:53 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

sounds like you rocked the Thanksgiving meal ;) the cake sounds really yummy

hope your feeling better

PS:sorry I harped on Robin Thicke ;) I think he has a great voice, it just seemed like he was trying a little too hard to impress us at the pre-show

7:39 PM  

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