Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Project Life Update - Week of 3/4 to 3/10

Check me out!  Getting stuff done, yo.

Part of my slacking off has apparently been slacking off with photos.  I barely had enough to do a one page layout for this week.  Actually, it worked out wonderfully because I only had enough to do a one page layout for the following week as well.  I've committed to trying to take at LEAST one photo a day this week to remedy the situation for the future though.

This week saw my tenth celebration of International Badge Day.  Yup - I was in a sorority in college.  While it may not have been as great of an experience for me as it was for some of my sisters, I still wouldn't give it up for the world.  I'd also recommend it to anyone.  It pisses me off when people refer to girls in sororities as "sorostitutes" or "sorority bitches" or crap like that.  It's so rude to tell someone who you know was in the Greek system "Well, I'd NEVER allow MY daughter to become involved in THAT TRASH!"  I guarantee you, you can be just as big of a drunk or a slut regardless of what it says on the front of your tee shirt, and to say that just because someone joins an organization that they must be those things is prejudiced.  I was not a drunk or a slut in college, but I know plenty of girls who were who were not Greek.

Off my soapbox.  :)

I have a really pretty bible verse that I found on Pinterest (original here), and my 24 week belly photo.  You know, it's a good thing black is slimming!  I also started knitting a sweater for the baby.  All I've done up to this point are dishcloths and those easy baby hats, so this is a HUGE step for me.  If you click on the photo to enlarge it, you may notice that the pattern is called the 5 Hour Baby Sweater.  Um...  yeah.  It took me five hours to get to the one hour mark!  In my defense, there were some problems with the stitch counts in the pattern.  I went through the comments on Ravelry and found another version of the same pattern with different counts.  On some parts, my sweater matches one, and in others, it matches the other pattern.  I decided that as long as it matches ONE of them, I'll be okay.  :)

The big thing that week was me getting my typewriter back from the shop.  I had seen this darling typewriter journaling card as part of a digital set on Pinterest, but the problem was that I didn't want to pay for the whole set just to get the ONE card.  Solution?  I sat there and stared at it and sketched that thing!

Do not underestimate my creativity when it comes to my cheapness.

Finally, after a few weeks hiatus, the freebies are back!

I came across this font and thought it would be fun to color it in for some cards.  I put a post on the Facebook page looking for some words to use on them.  A lot of the words were just too long and didn't look good when I tried them, but as you can see I did get some good ones.  As always, these are free for your personal use.  You just need to "like" my Facebook page to gain access to this and all my other printables.


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Blogger lkaye said...

Your pages look great! Love the Bible verse. Thanks for the freebie. Love the flowers!

5:58 AM  
Blogger lkaye said...

I pinned your cards! Hope that is ok!

6:01 AM  
Blogger Jody said...

I seriously printed off that verse last week to use in an upcoming layout. I guess great minds think alike! It turned out so good I may have to try it with others.

6:29 AM  

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