Thursday, November 01, 2012

Thankful Thursday - Today I Am Thankful

What an appropriate day of the week for the beginning of November!  For today's Thankful Thursday I'm doing something a little different.  I came across this idea on eighteen25 and thought it was pretty cool.  Did you know that Blurb will take your Instagram pictures and make them into a book?  I've done that before with my blog posts (they call it "slurping," yum) and it's actually pretty easy.  

Well, the ladies on eighteen25 had the idea to take a photo every day in November of something of which you're thankful using Instagram.  Then, at the end of the month you can use Blurb's software to "slurp" those photos and print them in a book!  They even provided this cute artwork for the cover:

You can visit their website to download the un-Instagrammed version.

I haven't decided if I'm going to use Blurb or if I'll just print out my photos the way I did for my poor neglected Project Life album.  Even if I end up doing nothing with the photos, I still think it's an awesome exercise in gratitude and actively choosing to be positive about life.

And no, no one at eighteen25 or Blurb asked me to post about this.  I'm sure they don't even know I exist.  :)

Looking for quotes and/or printables to use for this?  Check out my Gratitude Project posts from last year.

1 comment:

  1. we know you exist now. :) thanks for sharing. and we're glad to have you joining us.
