Friday, November 02, 2012

Get Ready, World!

It only took me four flipping months to get them done, but Miss Kelly Bean's birth announcements have finally been done and mailed.  People have started to tell me they've received them, so I guess I can go ahead and post it here.

Words cannot even begin to express how much I love how these turned out.  My talented friend Sam took the photo when Kelly was a mere 12 days old.  I know she doesn't look 12 days old in the photo, but I swear to you, she was.  I picked up the pettiskirt at a local boutique and made the BFB myself.  The backdrop is an old fleece blanket (the same fleece blanket I took all Bubba's benchmark photos and am also using for Kelly's) binder clipped to the back of a couple of kitchen chairs in front of my patio door.

I sent the photo to another friend for editing.  It was just a smidge too dark and we were having a bit of difficulty keeping the color of the pettiskirt bright without messing up the color of the baby's skin.  Luckily Lindsay is a whiz with the Photoshop.  Seriously, if you have a photo that you love but it needs a little brightening or some other editing that you can't do yourself, check out Lindsay's service.  She only charged me ten bucks and sent over a few variations from which I could choose.  Worth every penny!  

No way I could have afforded a professional photographer to do these for me, so I'm incredibly thankful to have been blessed with friends who could help.  I resized the final photo, added the text to the photo in Photoshop and had them printed at Costco as 5" x 7"s.  I also printed one out as an 8" x 10" to frame with no text.

So pretty!!!


  1. Those are gorgeous! They sure look professional!

  2. omg that came out AMAZING. I want that skirt....

  3. This is amazing! I love it!
