Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Another Halloween is in the bag!  I'm not going to lie to you - yesterday was a seriously rough day.  I woke up feeling like crud, Bubba... well let's just say he made a lot of bad choices, the baby was fussy because she's sick, due to the high demands of my little people I didn't get a single bite to eat until almost four when my husband came home to rescue me, dinner never got made so we had to get a pizza, there were too many timeouts to count and even a couple of spankings...

Yeah.  Yesterday felt like a total momfail.  To the point where I even contemplated cancelling trick or treat, but you know what?  That would have been just as much punishment for me and my husband as it would have been for the boy, and besides, I don't think that's a natural consequence to a four year old.  

Besides, running up and down every drive way for a couple of blocks could very well serve to tire him out.

So, I dressed him in his costume, rifled through my closet and threw on some stuff I found, and we headed out.

I was only able to do our block due to the aforementioned feeling cruddy, and then dad took over.

This was on one of our neighbor's lawns.  Freaking creepy!  Much more effective than those talking animatronic adult sized zombies, I think.

And where was baby doll?  Oh, she was asleep!  That's right - girlfriend slept through her first Halloween!  I just don't get how this kid who will wake up from a nap if her brother rustles paper in the next room was able to sleep through kids shouting and the doorbell ringing every five minutes, but she did for almost three hours.  Crazy.

When she woke up I put her headband back on her but decided it was too late to bother with the costume.  I made the skirt that afternoon.  The bow on the headband and the legwarmers were made a while back.

Once the boys got home I dumped out Bubba's candy and inspected it.  Then he had to pay the Mama Tax... hahaha!  I stashed it in my latest Pyrex find.  I love this pattern so hard!  I would die from happiness I think if I were ever to find the 933 lasagna dish to match.

After we ate our pizza I decided it would be a shame if I didn't get a photo of the chirrens together on Kelly's first Halloween, so I busted out her costume after all.

Her head was a teensy bit too big to fit in the hat, so we improvised.

And of course, Bubba was a "roary" tiger.

DANG we have some cute kids.  For reals.

Happy Halloween!

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