Vitt- a - Mens
Vitamins are GROSS.
I swear I can smell that nasty vitamin smell in the air still, even though I took them about an hour ago. They make me nauseous, even though I took them with food. I even ate a piece of cheese afterwards hoping that would help. No matter how many times I wash my hands, I can still smell them on my fingers.
Many people say that if you take vitamins, you'll have more energy, and goodness knows that I definitely need more energy. How can I have more energy though if I feel like I'm gonna yack any second though?
So far, being "healthy" is "sucking".
When I was younger my friend's mom made her take like fifty vitamins a day!!! Nasty. I take one a day now. But I forget half the time because I have to take them at a different time than some medication...and darn's hard enough to remember to take the other pills!
LOL, I soo agree. Pills! {{eyeroll}} I've been on one antibiotic or another since Thanksgiving, 2x daily, and it is soooo getting old. I'd rather drink Metamucil than take horse pills. LOL
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