Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy 2013!

Even though it is still looking a lot like Christmas around here (the 12th day of Christmas is Epiphany, January 6th so the decorations stay up until then), in my head, I'm gearing up for a new year.  We have no wild plans tonight.  We're just hanging out at home, probably watching the third Back To The Future installment.  ;)  The boy is really into that time machine car lately!

I'm once again not making resolutions.  Resolutions tend to imply that you find major fault with yourself and need an overhaul.  Have you ever noticed that?  Instead, I like to set goals.  First of all, stick with the diet from the nutritionist.  I'm down seven pounds in two weeks in spite of the three I put back on over Christmas, which is pretty darn good if you ask me!  Not too many people come out this side of the holiday season that much lighter.

Two - I'd like to garden again this year.  Last year I was way too tired and pregnant to even consider digging in the dirt, but this year there's no excuse!  Since planting season starts in January where I live, it's time to get the ball rolling here.

Three - Project Life!  I'm getting back on the wagon. I only made it to the end of April for 2012. At first I was thinking that I failed because I didn't do all 52 weeks, but you know what?  That's four months of our lives that I documented that would not have been documented otherwise.  How can I consider that a failure? I'm going to try again this year and we'll see how it goes.  To celebrate?

New printables!

You know the drill - you must be a fan of my Facebook page to gain access to this PDF.  I use Scribd to host my files, because it's free and it's easy for me to use.  I make these mainly for my own use, but since I spend so much time on them I figured "Hey, why not share?"  When you click the link to access them, Facebook will occasionally ask you to use Facebook Connect to access Scribd.  I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THIS.  I have been using FBC since it was introduced with no problem, but I understand that some people are against it for whatever reason.  You always have the option of copying and pasting the URL into a new window/tab to avoid the FBC thing.

Please, please, please do not pin these to Pinterest directly from Scribd.  If you would pin them from here, I would appreciate it so much!  Also, this will be the 12th printable I've uploaded to share.  My work has been downloaded literally thousands of times, but I haven't even hit 200 followers on Google.  If you could take a minute to hit the Google thingie over on the right sidebar if you have ever downloaded one of my freebies, or liked one of my recipes, or heck, even if I just entertained you on a bad day!  I'd love that  number to go up a little for the new year.  Thanks!  :)

Have a great and safe New Year!


  1. I clicked on your google link and got all set up! I didn't even know you could follow a blog like that... I am still learning about this blogging stuff. :) Thanks for the printables, they are great!

  2. I luv your blog! Just found it and I love how you share your talent and your heart! I may join you on my fitness pal :) I will Jon you on google. And I promise to stalk your blog regularly. Gotcha on twitter, did I miss anything? You rock Miss M!

  3. Just found you! Great project life freebie!! I added you to my RSS feed!

  4. Followed and pinned to pass the word
    Thanks I was looking for a Jan calendar

  5. New follower! Thanks for sharing your lovely creations :)
