Wednesday, December 26, 2012

December 2012 in Photos

Not a whole lot of blogging happening here in December.  I think this may be one of my worst blogging months on record!  Here's most of December documented in photos:

We saw Santa and kept our No Crying Children streak alive.

We sent out Christmas cards.

We got ready for the Mayan Apocalypse.

We painted a keepsake plate at one of those pottery painting places.

I scored some sweet Pyrex.

We read Christmas and Hanukkah books by the light of the Christmas tree.

I finally got cold and busted out a hoodie from college.  That thing had not seen the light of day for probably eight years or so!

I started physical therapy and seeing a nutritionist.  One week into the new diet and I'm not only down 5 1/2 pounds, but my wedding ring (that hasn't fit in almost two years) fits again.

New pjs were procured.

Santa came!

We attended Mass for the first time since the baby was born and she slept through most of it.

I made Christmas dinner and served it all in vintage Pyrex.  Realized I needed a Butterfly Gold 043.

I baked a birthday cake for Jesus and Bubba decorated it.  Kelly was into it... literally.

And finally -

Little Miss turned six months old today!

Hopefully you all had a great December!  I hope to get back to regular posting in the New Year.


  1. Your babies are so beautiful! I love all of your photos and the Pyrex! Congrats on the diet success and getting your gorgeous wedding ring back on! I love it! Happy New Year to you and your lovely familiy! :)

  2. Merry Christmas! That last picture is so dang cute!

  3. The Mayan Apocalypse picture is hilarious :)

  4. wow congrts on the achievement - that's so exciting!
    ps- that last picture is to DIE FOR
