Monday, September 24, 2012

Halloween House

I've been plugging along with getting my Halloween decor up and out!  Today's offering - the outside of my house.  I tend to do very minimal decorating outside for two reasons:  

1.  It's still over 100 degrees where I live.  Not only do I not want to be outside for very long putting things up, the sun pretty much destroys anything that it sees on a regular basis.  Therefore, what I do put up is against the house where it will get shade most of the day and not be ruined.

2.  I grew up in pretty shady neighborhoods and I have low trust of people I don't know in general.  I don't want to spend a whole lot of money on outdoor decorations only to have someone come steal or vandalize them.

That being said, I like to have a little something festive outside to greet people!

I already showed you my cute new Welcome pumpkin last week.  I hung a garland I made from paper bats and string last year to across the walkway.  Most of my decorating was concentrated around the front door.

There's a little old and a little new out there.

The feather wreath is new.  Kristy at The Diary of Dave's Wife, who I met at the first DownEast Basics Mixer I attended last year posted a photo of one on Instagram a week or so ago.  I loved it so much I knew I just had to recreate it.  I wrapped two black feather boas (40% off using my coupon app at Hobby Lobby) around a wreath form ($2.99) and securing it with Christmas ornament hooks that I straightened out then wrapped like twist ties.  The bow has an alligator hair clip like I've been using to make hair bows on the back so I can change it out if I'm so inclined.

The sign underneath is from the Dollar Tree.

The electric Jack o'Lantern I bought at Target last year.  I am trying to figure out where to plug it in though because I don't have any outside outlets in the front of my house.  My friend told me it's city ordinance/code to have them in Phoenix, but I don't know if it's the same in Chandler.  I should look into that.

The faux fern was $2 on sale at Hobby Lobby.  I can't keep outside plants alive this time of year due to my refusal to exit the house when it's over 100 degrees, so faux it is.  You can see one of my silver spoon plant markers in there.  It says Casa de Fehling.  :)

The wooden cat was found at Goodwill last year.  It's a bit funky, but that's why I think I like it.

And that's outside!  Next up - the piano!

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