Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Easy Canvas Hair Clips

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I attended a Pinterest Party last Saturday.  One of the sponsors of the party was a company called Canvas Corp. They sponsored an entire room with stuff for make and take! There were all sorts of different things in there - rubber stamps, patterned papers, buttons, glue, and these really cool canvas flowers. I didn't get to work on a project while I was there, but I did bring home a couple of those canvas flowers because I had an idea.

All you need is a canvas flower, an alligator clip, a scrap of felt, a button, and a hot glue gun.  I know my hot glue gun is ghetto and messy, but it is also almost 18 years old so I deal.  :)

I glued the clip onto the back of the flower with the scrap of felt to cover the inside part, and the button to the front.  This seriously took less than five minutes, including time to round up my supplies.  I did it when we were pretty much on our way out the door on Sunday to go watch football with our friends.  I thought I'd support my husband's team by sporting their colors.

Piece of cake!  The hard part, which would have been making the flower, was already done for me. All I did was put on a plain headband and then clip the flower over one side.  It looks like the flower is part of the headband but really it's just temporary so I can change it out if I want.  I'd rather be able to do that than have 20 random headbands for which I'd need to find homes, you know?

They have more ideas posted on their website.  How cute would those burlap flowers be for fall decorating? I wasn't asked to post this project.  I just thought these flowers were so cute and easy to use I'd share the idea.

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