Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Arizona Pinterest Party!

This past Saturday I was invited to attend a Pinterest Party with some other local bloggers.  I'm trying to get out of the house more and meet new people, so of course I went.  I'm so glad I did!

The event was organized by these three lovely ladies.  Heather on the left I've known since Bubba was a little baby.  We were in the same play group.  Sara in the middle (who knows how to spell her name properly!!!) is known online as Clever Pink Pirate and Laura on the right goes by Pink Cake Plate.

There were fun swag bags, cute decorations, and fun giveaways from various sponsors.  I didn't take a picture of everything, but you can check out Heather's blog for more photos.  I won a gift certificate for a downloadable sewing pattern from Sew Much Ado (leaning toward this one - how cute is that scalloped hem?) and a $25 gift card to DownEast Basics.  Kick butt!

Of course, it's not a party without food!  There was a table full of sweet treats as well as a potluck table of Pinterest-inspired recipes.  I brought this Asian Slaw with Ginger Peanut Dressing:

Thank goodness for breastfeeding, because I ate a TON.  There was so much good stuff!

We also had a gift exchange.  Everyone was supposed to bring something that they made from a pin.  I did not remember to take a photo of what I brought, which is fine because I ended up liking it so much I decided to make more for Christmas gifts.  Here is what I got:

Everyone brought projects on which to work.  Most were Pinterest projects too.  Here's mine:

That's right - this girl finally taught herself how to use double pointed needles!  This is the first thing that I've knit since the whole knitting club thing happened.  It felt good to play with yarn again.  I think now that I've gotten this down, and I've successfully knit a sweater, I'm comfortable saying I'm not a beginning knitter any more.  You know, it only took about five years!

One of the sponsors of the party was a company called Canvas Corp.  They sponsored an entire room with stuff for make and take!  There were all sorts of different things in there - rubber stamps, patterned papers, buttons, glue, and these really cool canvas flowers.  I didn't get to work on a project while I was there, but I did bring home a couple of those canvas flowers because I had an idea.  I'll post the easiest DIY ever tomorrow!

There's a special board on Pinterest where you can check out some of the things the other girls brought and made.  Lots of really cool ideas!  I wasn't asked to blog about this either.  I just thought this was a really fun idea and I'm glad I was able to participate.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for coming to the party! I'm glad you were able to get out and meet some new girls. Your salad was amazing!!!!!!!! Thanks for letting me bring your leftovers home...I had it for dinner several nights this week! :)
