Friday, March 02, 2012

My Stupid Baby Hat

Ah, how I love me a good, stupid baby hat.  The stupider looking, the better.  Looks like a fruit?  Awesome.  Looks like an animal?  Even better.  Has ears?  Too cute for words!

So, I started knitting.  I came across this pattern on Amber's blog (I'm reading back through her archives) and thought it was so cute.  Thankfully she posted a link to her Ravelry page that had a link to the free pattern.  I'm going to link you to my (woefully undeveloped) page as well in case you would like to knit up one of these.

Seriously, this is the idiot proof hat.  There are no increases or decreases.  You don't have to use double pointed needles or circular needles.  I used plain old size 6 bamboo needles that I bought at JoAnn.  If you can count, and can do a basic knit / purl, you can make this hat.  I'm a slow freaking knitter and I still managed this in just a few hours.

I used a blue wool that I've had since I was pregnant with Bubba.

Obviously I don't have a model around here on which to size this, so I took a balloon and inflated it to the circumference that Bubba's pediatrician paperwork said his head was when he was a newborn.  I wanted to hat to be about a six month size, so since it fits the balloon a bit big I think it will work.  This one will be a gift, because I don't have any blue baby clothes and I need things to match.  Need!

This is actually the second hat I made this week.  Here's the first one:

It uh... came out a teensy bit small.  It says that it's a newborn size, but it was a bit snug on my balloon dummy so I'm doubting it would fit.  Bubba's already adopted it for his kitty cat, which is fine by me.  I was surprised at how tiny the hat was seeing as how I followed the directions exactly, using the right kind of yarn and the right size needles and even making a swatch for gauge, which I never do!  Then again, my kid was born with a giant SIXTEEN INCH noggin, so maybe that's my issue.  I put the adjustments I made in the notes for the second blue hat in the notes on Ravelry so you can see what teeny changes I made.

1 comment:

  1. those hats are adorable! your little girl will definitely be the best dressed on the block!
