Monday, March 05, 2012

Melrose on 7th

There's this really cool area of town in Phoenix that they call the Melrose district.  They have several antique stores and some cool vintage shops and restaurants.  This past weekend they had their annual street fair.  Since one of the big draws is the car show, we decided to take the long drive up there so Bubba could look at cars.  It did not disappoint!

Right away he spotted this Camaro.  He shouted "LOOK MOM!  A CAMARO!"  I started laughing and I said, "Yup, that's a bitchin' Camaro."  Some old guy walked by and gave me a dirty look.  HA! Whatever.

This is the smallest Beetle I've ever seen.  It's like someone shrunk the back end.

In contrast, this is the longest car ever.  If everyone had to parallel park one of these bad boys in order to get their driver's license, there would be far less people driving on the roads.

When I saw this one, I said, "Hey Bubba, you gonna buy mom one of these some day?"  My husband laughed and said, "What, a hood ornament?"  Jerk.

The back end of this car was literally lying on the pavement.  Crazy!

Old graffiti on the side of a seriously OLD fire truck.  Heh.

You gotta love a vehicle that comes with it's own bar.

I loved the instrument panel on this one.

I think this may have been one of my favorites of the day.

I mean, did you know that Sears used to make cars?  I didn't, and I worked for them!

Check out the plate.  I've seen plenty of Historic Vehicle plates in my time, but never this one.  That big metal rod to the right of it is the engine crank.  So cool.

Of course, since we were there and the boys were geeking out over the old cars, I had to find my own old stuff over which to geek out.  I went into a few of the shops and saw lots of cool things, but nothing that I just had to have.  I finally had to sit down after a stroll through this antique mall.

So ladylike, right?

I dressed myself like a cantaloupe that morning.  Awesome.  My hair looks nice though!

We had been hoping to score some awesome festival food, but unfortunately were disappointed.  I really love the Polish sausages with grilled onions and peppers that you can usually find at these things.  They did have a booth selling "Polish Sausages" but UGH.  They were just glorified hot dogs with extra seasoning mixed in.  They had no peppers and the onions were RAW.  That is NOT a Polish sausage folks!  Nasty!

I still did eat half of one though, because I'm pregnant and was hungry.  We also got some locally made ice cream in two flavors.  The salted caramel was good, but I surprisingly didn't care for the maple bacon.  Usually I love stuff with that flavor combo, but the bacon bits were weird.  They tasted the way Beggin' Strips smell.  Yuck.

We ended up stopping at our favorite noodle place on the way home for a late lunch, which was fine by me!

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