Sunday, October 27, 2013

Summer Macaroni Salad

I know, I know.  The calendar says it's fall.  Unfortunately, I live in the land of perpetual summer.  We're still having 90 degree days over here, folks.  It's gross.

Making me feel better?  This macaroni salad recipe I found on Pinterest last week.

Now, usually I loathe macaroni salad.  Mushy pasta covered in a goopy mayo/mustard mixture with mystery flecks of color added for good measure.  YUCK.

But this?  Let's just say I made it for the second time in less than a week tonight and we all had second helpings.  Even me.

The original recipe can be found here.  I left out the dijon mustard because MUSTARD.  Ew.  I reduced the sugar to 1 tablespoon because I don't like savory dishes to be overly sweet. Using sweet peas instead of plain petite peas made it plenty sweet if you ask me. I also omitted the olive oil, but not on purpose.  I merely forgot it the first time I made this and found it didn't really need it.  Why not save a few calories, especially since this does contain mayonnaise?  I just put all the ingredients for the dressing in the measuring cup that came in my immersion blender and processed them like that.  Made for a really easy clean up, as opposed to using a food processor (which I don't own anyway) as the instructions say.

Seriously though.  Try it.  It's FANTASTIC!

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