Thursday, September 26, 2013

Big Brother

If you've been reading for any length of time, you know that I am the oldest from a family of three kids and the only girl.  I have two younger brothers who aren't the most upstanding citizens, if you catch my drift. I have to wonder sometimes if it was because we had separate rules growing up, because you know, boys will be boys. (Insert eye roll here) A HUGE part of why we decided to have only two kids was because I came from a family of three.  We were rotten, horrible children to each other and while the teams would often change, it was always two against one in our house.

When I was in junior high and high school, I had a friend named Mary.  Mary was the youngest of five, and all of her older siblings were brother.  The next in line was about five or six years older than her and was the only one left living at home at the time. Mary's brothers used to take her fun places and bring her little gifts for no reason at all.  

I always used to think to myself, man, how much better it is to have older brothers than younger ones!  Lucky girl!

Usually when I pick up Bubba from school (we're required to walk them to and from the classroom) I carry Kelly in but let her walk back to the car. It's a good way for her to learn independence, and let's be honest, my back thanks me!  Yesterday, however, she decided that she just did not want to walk and determined that I had to carry her.  She refused to hold my hand and would squat on the ground if I tried to take it. I kept trying to coax her along, and when that didn't work, I walked away a few steps to see if she would follow us.

Not only did she not follow us, she started to make that "I'm about to cry" face!  Bubba looked up at me, let go of my hand, and said, "Don't worry mom.  I've got her."  He walked back to her and took her hand.  She looked up at him, smiled, and started to walk.

She wouldn't come to mama, but she went with her big brother happily.

I think Kelly's pretty darn lucky.

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