Saturday, August 03, 2013

Project Life 2013 - Week 28

This is the last of my backlog!  I actually just finished this one Wednesday night, but it's been sitting on my desk for over a week.  I wanted to get it done before I left for Chicago, but that didn't seem to happen.  Ah well.  It did get done, and that's what matters, right?

Left side:

Can I tell you I'm a big dummy and didn't realize I had put the wrong week number on this until I went to stick it into my album?  Uh, yeah.  It's fixed now though but I was too lazy to rescan.

The title card was inspired by Tarynne419 on Instagram who makes BEAUTIFUL pages.

I made the Hello Kitty cards in Photoshop using images I found on Google Image search.

The button is a freebie from Artisan Scrap.

The notebook card is one I did a while back using fuzzimo seamless notebook papers. The cute font on the title is called Henny Penny and a current favorite.  The quote on the right I'm saving for another page.  Sometimes  if I find myself with an odd number of cards to print, I'll just put a quote on the other side so that I'm getting the most from my 19 cents of photo printing!  HA!

On a side note... have you tried that Angie's Sweet and Salty popcorn yet?  ERMAGHERD.  You will die at how good it is. I never liked prebagged popcorn before, because the texture always felt kind of soft to me, but this stuff?  HEAVEN.

 Bubba art.

  I forget where these cards came from, but I added the patterned background.

The card with the bandage was painstakingly titled by cutting and pasting an Eric Carle alphabet poster that I found using a Google Image search.  Clearly, I have OCD.

I found the old Pyrex advert online and recreated it in Photoshop.

I love these cards.  I saw the typewriter somewhere and saved the image to my phone, so I have no clue where I found it.  I edited it in Photoshop to fit on a PL card.

And that's it for now!

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