Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Project Life 2013 - Week 26

I've discovered that I've been doing pages and not posting them... whoops!  Bubba started preschool last week.  He goes every day for two and a half hours, so we're adjusting to that schedule.  It hasn't been too bad.  He loves it and had no problem with the transition, which is nice.  I also went to Chicago this past weekend with my friend Suzy, which was SO much fun!  I think there may be a whole pair of pages dedicated to that, because I took a lot of photos.

For week 26 I was in the mood to play with paper, so there really aren't any digi cards to show.  

Left side:

Right side:

The corners are missing because my scanner is not quite twelve inches long, so the ends get cut off.  I scan one side, flip it, scan the other, then "stitch" them together in Photoshop.  Sounds like a pain but I've done it so many times it's pretty fast.  I will say though, that not having to stitch was one of the perks of scrapping 8 1/2" x 11" layouts!

This was the only card I did digitally, with the exception of the weather card which is just a screenshot from my iPhone.  When I got my photos printed, I forgot to do this one.  Rather than print it and then embellish it, I decided to just do it digitally so that when I got it back it was just a matter of trimming it and popping it on the otherwise completed page.  I used a freebie kit by Erica Zane on this one.  Super cute!

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