Thursday, June 20, 2013

Project Life 2013 - Week 24

Y'all... I did not take enough pictures last week!  We haven't really been doing much because it's just too hot here at 110 degrees!  I mean, I can only take so many photos of us in our pajamas at 5pm to caption "Stayed inside all day... AGAIN."

I hate summer.

I did get three more weeks on two spreads into my book though!  Here is week 24.

I had to get creative to fill space this week, hence the patterned paper filler cards up top and lots of quotes.  Praise the Lord for Pinterest, amirite?  I had the last space on the bottom left to fill and I remembered that I had just discovered  these Red Velvet Pop Tarts.  Have you tried them?  They're GENIUS.  I love them so hard and am on my second box.


Some cards.  I found myself leaning toward cork patterns this week.  The twill tab is from Confessions of a Homeschooler.  The pattern on the "Oh Happy Day" card I found on a Google image search for seamless tiles.

This was the first time I had seen my friend Sam since before Christmas!  Girlfriend is busy. The arrow is from a dingbat font called You Are Here.

The journaling font on here is called Henny Penny.  Card inspired by upper right corner of this layout.

The title card was inspired by one I found on Instagram by elizabethmanna.  I added a brad after it was printed.  The calendar is from Finding Nana.  The arrow is from a dingbat font called Tia Urban Life.  It was on an old Autumn Leaves font cd but I can't find it online.

Right side!

The cow jumping over the moon image I found on a Google image search.  The quote was from Pinterest.

Another Pinterest quote which I felt was perfect for my photo of friends I don't see as often as I'd like.  The Target heart was found while doing a Google image search for "I love Target."  It was landscape but I fixed it in Photoshop.

This card was inspired by the one on the lower left side of this layout.

The background for this card is the Twitter background for Target Deals. The font is Candice.

The font for "NOTE" is Bebas and "On this day" is Lavanderia.  This card was inspired by the upper left corner on this layout.

One of my friends posted this on Facebook and I loved it, so into the book it went!  Quote found on Craft Snark.

That's it for this week!  I'll post the other layout I finished tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Great job! Love all your details. Also... I found Copics at my local Hobby Lobby too. Who could pass that up?
