Friday, June 14, 2013

Project Life 2013 - Week 23

Week 23 is done and in the book!  Hooray!  As usual, click on any photo to see it bigger.

Here's the left side:

The title card background is from a Studio Calico Here + There paper pad.  The calendar is 7Gypsies.  The foam letters I bought at the dollar store literally years ago.

The design for this card was based on a sketch found here.  Their site is down or else I would link directly there.

The doodle on  the left card was modified from one found here.  I liked it, but the heart covered her face.  I wanted to be able to see her face, and the shoes, which happen to be Bubba's baby shoes.

The quote on the right was found on Pinterest, and I just typed it on a background in Photoshop.

The card on the left was inspired by this one.  The one on the right is a printable that I resized.  You can see the original here.

This was my child's hobby this week.  She always seemed to have a pen mark or two on her legs.  "This is Life" card inspired by the February layout on this page.

My son is a weird sleeper.  Nap card inspired by the "eat" card on this layout.

Here's the right side of the layout:

The first two cards were the only ones I didn't do digitally this week.

The layout for this card was inspired by the "Together as a family" card on the lower left corner of this layout.

The baby has been taking a step here and there for a couple of months now, but on Thursday of this week she finally decided it was time to start walking for real.  I didn't have any photos, but I still wanted this to be documented so I just journaled about it.

Come on... tell me I'm not the only Candy Crush addict!  I found the picture doing a Google search and then modified it to fit a card and added the text at the bottom.  The card on the right is a photo I took of our television (hooray HDTV, amirite?) and layered on a card I found here on Pinterest.  It looks like the blog containing the download isn't around anymore.  I copied a little piece of the bottom of the card to make the date tab up on top.

These were both mine.  I found the background on the card on the right by doing a Google search for digital scrapbook paper.  

I ran errands all day on Saturday with the baby and even though I kept reminding myself every time I got back into the car that I needed to take pictures at my next stop, I still made it home with not a single photo!  So, I had to find a way to still be able to document our day out.  I took a chance on sending this to be printed, and they printed it no problem.  I am glad because it looks better when everything matches, I think.

As promised earlier this week, here's a set of new printables!

The Independence Day card I made just for this.  I saw one like it that was for Valentine's Day and thought it would be cute to make my own version for the upcoming holiday.  As usual, these are available for free if you're a fan of my Facebook page.  Please do not sell or redistribute them, as I make them available for personal use only.  Also, while I appreciate when people like my work enough to pin to Pinterest, please only pin from this page and NOT from my hosting site.  I'd appreciate it!
