Wednesday, February 20, 2013

PL 2013 - Week One

No, I haven't forgotten about Project Life.  I've just gotten way, way behind.  Having a new baby will do that to a person I guess, especially when said baby is anti-nap.  She sleeps fine at night, so I can't complain too hard, but man!  The occasional ten minute daylight nap doesn't really help one's productivity levels, you know?

I finally managed to get the first three weeks of this year's PL into the book last night though, so the rest of this week will be dedicated to that.  Be sure to check out all the posts because one of them will include a new freebie when I get around to finishing it!

Here's week one, left side:

As always, click on any image to see it larger.

I journaled about our New Year tradition of going out to eat noodles.  No black eyed peas for this family!  YUCK!  Here's the journaling for that:

That's one of the freebie cards I offered last year.  I still have them up, but they're charging 99 cents for the file now.  I get like a quarter of that, LOL!  Big money, here I come - not.

I also added my goals for the year:

I'm so-so on those so far.

Here's the right side:

I added a couple of quote cards as space fillers because I didn't take many pictures this week.  I also added this funny observation that I had tweeted:

I think it will be cool to go back in 20 years and see what packaging, logos and advertising used to look like.

I added a little snippet about going to physical therapy:

And that's it for this week!  Check out Week Two tomorrow!

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