Monday, November 12, 2012

Twelve of 12 - November 2012

The twelfth of each month keeps rolling around faster and faster, it seems.  Wasn't it just the twelfth of October last week?  UGH.  No, a week ago would be when I blogged last.  WHOOPS!

Here are the photos from my day.

1. Get up and pump.  This is how the baby watched me the whole time.

2.  Bubba went to a birthday party yesterday and one of the things in his goody bag was one of those little army guys with a parachute.  He talked his dad into taking it outside to show him how to use it.

3. Preschooler lunch.  He prefers his fruit cocktail with a seafood fork, and his PB&J cut into puzzle pieces.  Carrots are also about a million times more edible when cut into star shapes.

4.  Trying to work outside my baby color palette comfort zone of pink, yellow and green.  I picked up this Carter's top at the Goodwill last week and I paired it with a long sleeved white onesie and baby jeggings.  I think baby jeggings are flipping hilarious.

5.  This is the preferred activity these days.  Apparently, it's Pet Cassidy's birthday and she's turning three.

6.  No cubicle can beat this!  We don't like to let the baby sleep on our bed, especially unsupervised, but sometimes that's where she sleeps best.  My husband was working from home so he kept her company.

7.  I gave up on trying  to come up with an idea for a seasonal mantel and the will to execute it.  Thank goodness for a well stocked decor/accessory closet!  This may end up being my Christmas display too.  Hey - it has red and green!  HA!

8.  Grandma is in town for a few days with my husband's aunt so we got together for dinner.  You know you have to dress up when you see your Grandma, right?

 9.  Kelly was glad to see her too.  We had dinner at Joe's Real BBQ.  No one wants to eat at a chain when they're on vacation!

10.  After dinner, we headed across the street to Liberty Market and got some dessert to go.

11.  We headed back to our house to have dessert and coffee.  This was Baby Doll's outfit for the evening.  This kid had ruffles on top of frills on top of ribbon on top of lace surrounding her.  She looked like a wedding cake!

12.  Bubba talked his grandma and Aunt Susie into a few games of Candy Land.  I had to go into the other room to pump, but it sounded like they had a seriously cutthroat game going on out there!  It was so sad when they told him they had to leave and he started to cry because he didn't want Grandma to go.

I wish we lived closer to family.  :(  Especially with Thanksgiving coming up.

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