Thursday, October 11, 2012


This past weekend, my sister in law came to visit.  She had to meet the newest Fehling and catch up with the previous ones.

Needless to say, it was great to have her here.  She got to catch up with her brother, she played every game in his closet as well as indulging him in his latest obsession, and she suggested to me we hit the Goodwill.

Um, can I just say how awesome it is to have a sister in law who likes to hit the Goodwill so much that she'll do it with you after flying across the country to visit?  Best of all, we don't look for the same stuff so I don't have to worry that she's gonna snatch up something I want?

Even better - check out all this awesomeness I would have missed if she hadn't suggested we go!

I pushed my cart around the corner and immediately spied the large lidded casserole on the very bottom shelf of the housewares aisle along with a large Homestead cinderella bowl.  The bowl had some pretty bad damage to the finish, so I left that one behind, but the casserole went straight into the cart.  There's a teeny chip under the lid on the lip that catches on to the dish, but I figured that was pretty negligible for the $6.99 they were asking.

I looked around on the shelf but didn't see anything else on there that caught my eye.  Then I noticed that one of the stocking attendants had left their wheelie shelf cart there and the baskets weren't completely emptied yet.  I am so glad I decided to take a peek!  Buried in there was not only that small casserole, but these as well:

I also picked up an 8" x 8" square Fire King milk glass baking dish.  When I went to put it away, I realized that between that, and the rectangular baking dish that my friend gave me, I didn't need the clear glass Pyrex ones that were up there anymore.  I pulled them down and put them on Freecycle, and someone had picked them up within a few hours.

Of course, that meant that I'd have to suck it up and actually use the pretty vintage Pyrex I've been collecting.  That's right - I've been collecting it for about two years now and have yet to actually use any of it!  It's just so pretty and I'm completely terrified that I'm going to break it.

I know.  Total OCD move.  Weak.

So, to open the gates, I made enchiladas:

and I made them in the pretty Snowflake Garland baking dish that was a gift from my favorite auction-going friend. I love how Instagram made this photo of my dinner look a little bit like it was out of an old cookbook.  Also, I think they tasted just a teensy bit better than usual.  :)

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