Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thankful Thursday - September 27, 2012

I haven't done one of these for a few months, so some of these are a little bit old.  Still, I'm thankful for them so I'm putting them here.

I'm thankful for these ladies for putting together the Pinterest party.  I got to meet new people and found a bunch of fun new blogs to read!

I'm thankful for friends.

I'm thankful for friends who have kids almost exactly the same age as our kids so we can compare notes.

I'm thankful that I don't have one of those husbands who freaks out if their son does "girl" things.

I'm thankful that breast pumps have evolved past this.  This thing is solid metal, weighs a ton, and rumor has it, will suck out your soul if you're not careful.

I'm thankful for stylish, generous blog friends.

I'm thankful for Pinterest.

I'm thankful for Fall, even if it is still over 100 degrees and will be for almost another month where I live.

I'm thankful for Hello Kitty.

I'm thankful that my husband doesn't complain when I buy kid clothes that won't fit for another few years to stash for later.

I can't decide if I'm thankful or not that Old Navy did not have one in my size.  (Yes, I even checked online) 35 year old women should probably not be rocking Hello Kitty tee shirts.

I'm thankful for fun Fall magazines.

I'm thankful for free magazine subscriptions!  That's right; I didn't pay a single penny for any of these.

I'm thankful for tiaras.

I'm thankful for rhinestones and cubic zirconias.  Sparkly things are cool, diamonds are not.

I'm thankful for smiley babies.

I'm thankful that my children like each other so far.  :)

I'm thankful that my husband noticed this so I could take a picture!

I'm thankful for delightful surprises.

I'm thankful Apple made the camera on the iPhone accessible from the lock screen, or else I would never have had time to get this shot.

I'm thankful that my husband doesn't mind too much that I insist upon composting.

I'm thankful that I am not having problems with my compost.  I keep hearing people say "it didn't work" for them.  Huh?  You just throw stuff in a heap and water/turn it occasionally.  Piece of cake.

I'm thankful for pretty little girls in yellow seersucker dresses.

I'm thankful that this child's belly button FINALLY healed.  Two months was too long.

On that note, I'm thankful that my belly button went back after I had the baby.  I was totally freaked out that it wouldn't!

I'm thankful that my landlord replaced our old, chipped enamel sink with a new, stainless steel one that is nice and deep.

I'm thankful that he went ahead and replaced the faucets too.  We have a retractable sprayer now!  It makes rinsing out the sink and watering plants so much easier.

I am thankful that I finally found a stupid pot for that plant.  It should not have been that flipping hard!

That's it for now, I think.  I'm linking this post to Domestic Fashionista's Thankfulness Thursdays link party.

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