Friday, June 01, 2012

Photo A Day Challenge - May

Apparently, I stink at this.

I start off the month strong, only to start to fall behind after a week and a half.  By the beginning of the third week, I sort of give up/forget about it, only to pick up again a few days before the month ends.  At that point, no amount of playing catch up will save me, so I end up short.

Still, I keep trying.  I ain't no quitter!  LOL!

Here are the photos I did get this month:

1. Peace

2.  Skyline. The skyline around these parts isn't very interesting.  I did learn that the awful messy tree in our front yard is called a Jacaranda.  It's good to know the names of your enemies...

3.  Something I wore today.  These terry track pants are hands down the best maternity clothing purchase I made when I was pregnant with Bubba, and they aren't even maternity pants!  The rise is low and hits me perfectly under my belly.  So comfy.

4.  Fun.  Bubba has graduated from Duplos to regular Legos in the past year and he's HOOKED.

5.  Me.  33 weeks!

6.  Bird.

7.  Someone who inspires you.  I couldn't think of just one person.  There are so many things and people who provide inspiration!  I went with Pinterest.  This is my "Things I did because of Pinterest" board.  I know people like to make jokes about how nothing pinned ever gets made, but I'm thinking I have a decent track record so far!  See the board here.

8.  A smell I adore.  Anything baking, really.

Note to self - clean oven.  Yikes.

9.  Something I do every day.  Vitamins! 2 cinnamon pills for high triglycerides (dude - I'm OLD), prenatal vitamin, vitamin d, iron pill because the wee punk in mah belly is making me anemic.

10.  A favorite word.  Seriously.  It amuses me how it riles people up, even though it's just letters and sounds like every other word in the language.  I admire how versatile it is - it's a noun, a verb, and adverb, an covers most parts of speech.

Honestly though?  A few days later I realized that my REAL favorite word is Defenestrate.  Such a fancy word for such a silly action.

11.  Kitchen.

12.  Something that makes me happy.  NOODLES!  Specifically, bun.  Oh my goodness this is one of my very favorite things on Earth to eat.

13.  Mum.  Specifically, my mom's mom.

14.  Grass.  The landscapers came and removed all the grass and weeds from the flower beds, replacing them with these little shrubby plants and gravel.  They also fixed the sprinkler heads so the lawn will get watered now.  YAY!

15.  Love.  We got a good start painting the kitchen.  LOVE the new colors, and how the aqua chalkboard pops against the green.

16.  What I'm reading.  My friend Suzy found this copy at Goodwill for $1.50.  Kick butt!  I loved it - read it in under five hours.

17.  Snack.  Terrible.  I know better too.  Still, there's something about that fake bacon flavored cheese that makes me happy.  I think it's because I ate it as a kid.

18.  Something I made.  Button flowers for one of my pothos!

19.  A favorite place - HOME.  I firmly believe that as a homemaker, if you don't like to be at home, you're not doing your job properly.

20.  Something you can't live without.  Ice water!  I drink between 6-8 of these 24 oz glasses each day.  Did I mention the high here today is supposed to hit ONE HUNDRED FREAKING FIFTEEN DEGREES today?


And that's as far as I got this month.  Will I try again for June?  Pfft.  Of course!  Like I said, I ain't no quitter.  ;)

1 comment:

  1. Found your blog through Pinterest, and I'm thoroughly enjoying reading your posts! But I gotta jump in and comment about you being old (taking cinnamon pills, which I do as well!) ... honey, you are NOT old!! I had my first baby at 35, second at 38 and last baby at 47 (she's now 8). Enjoy the last few days of your pregnancy and get ready for the insanity!
    Anne Marie
