Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Twelve of 12 - April 2012

I did a much better job getting all twelve of my photos done for April, with the exception of the fact that I didn't do anything with them until four days before May's twelve of twelve was to be done.  WHOOPS!  I'm telling you folks - I'm the worst slacker lately.  These photos have been printed for a couple of weeks now and just sitting on my desk.  

Part of my problem is that my printer ran out of ink AGAIN.  It has an issue where it won't print without leaving a streaky mess all over your page unless you clean the heads and run a nozzle check.  You have to do this every single time you print.  That wastes a LOT of ink.  Cartridges are about $17 each, and it takes SIX FREAKING CARTRIDGES.  We decided to just replace it instead of burning through all that ink, but other stuff like car registration and breast pumps keep coming first.  C'est la vie.

I finally decided to just do my journaling on the typewriter, so it's nice and laden with typos.  Computers have spoiled us.

Click any photo to enlarge.  Supplies - Bazzill Basics cardstock, American Crafts Thickers, Making Memories tiny glitter letter stickers,  Heidi Swapp number tape, SMASH washi tape, font on photos is Susie's Hand, journaling done on my Lettera 22.

I went and sorted out my photos already before I posted like a dummy.  Instead of trying to find them in all their respective folders, I just am putting the files I sent to the printer on here.  That's why there are two at a time.  I love that the Instagram photos are already perfect squares.  It makes laying it all out that much easier.
1.  My favorite part of the day - waking up to Bubba kisses.  2.  The wildflowers I planted last year are finally blooming.  They started this week.

3.  Snack time!  4.  My backyard garden.  I didn't plant much this year.  I have carrots and green onions, plus marigolds for pest control.  The spinach and arugula are long gone.
5.  Bubba bumped his nose and immediately requested an ice pack.  This kid LOVES an ice pack.  6.  We call this "Yucky Spaghetti."  Usually I make my sauce from scratch with lots of veggies and topped with freshly grated parmigiano reggiano.  This is made with Ragu from a jar and loads of that "Parmesan" cheese powder from the green can.  SO GROSS, but a total pregnancy craving because it's just how my mom used to make it.

7.  Another pregnancy craving.  8.  Fun stuff in the mail!

9.  More flowers that I planted last year that waited until this year to bloom.  10.  Move over Diego!  Bubba's found Dora and his Spanish vocabulary has grown like crazy.

11. Bubba put all the dark colored jelly beans that he decided were gross in an egg for his dad.  HA!  12.  Bedtime!  His dad is reading him a story about a baby who is bored inside its mother's womb.  This has been a big favorite lately.

And there you go!  Now I'm all ready to take this month's round of photos on Saturday!

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