Thursday, May 17, 2012


I think this baby has dropped or something because for the past couple of weeks, I can breathe again!  I don't get winded taking a shower, I don't get dizzy while getting myself dressed, and I don't have a racing heartbeat from simply walking back and forth to the bathroom.  It's freaking AWESOME to not have someone on your lungs.

Along with the ability to breathe has come a little more energy - I know, fathom that, right?  I have 46 days until this baby gets here.  That is, if she doesn't decide to give me the gift of an earlier arrival so I don't have to have surgery.  That means I have about a month and a half to get things cleaned up and ready for baby around here.  I ordered the rest of my diapers (we're using cloth) online today, along with a couple of teething toys and the best diaper balm ever.  I called the landlord to get some things taken care of before the baby gets here, such as fixing the sprinklers (our lawn be sad, yo) and the peeling drywall on the patio.  

I also got the ball rolling on painting the living room/kitchen.  Originally I wanted to go with a pale blue, but honestly?  My heart belongs to green.  

This time I was smart and got paint samples instead of just picking a color and buying a gallon of paint.  The light is so different all over this place, and a color that looks good in one area will look completely different in another.  This was the problem I had with the blue.  The green on the right was my original choice, and while I absolutely LOVE it, it was way too dark in some areas.  I painted these swatches in five different places so I could get an idea of how the light would affect them.

I bought the other two samples the next night.  After living with them for 24 hours, we've decided to go with the one in the middle.  It's called Outback, by Behr.  I know it looks tan compared to the other two, but it's actually a very pretty light green with yellow and tan undertones.  I also picked out a very pretty, pale, buttery yellow for the kitchen backsplash and one wall called Garbanzo Bean.  It also is by Behr.  I wasn't ambitious enough to travel farther than the Home Depot a mile from my house for paint.  :)

This weekend, we're going back to buy paint and primer so we can kiss those awful  poop brown kitchen walls goodbye!!!  Hallelujah!

In addition to picking paint, I've also been sewing.

I made three burp cloths for Kelly a few months ago and my friend liked them so much she asked me to make some for her.

Since I had all the stuff out already, I went ahead and finished the ones for Miss Kelly Bean too.  I used the same technique that I did with the ones I made for Bubba, only this time I used the prefolds instead of flat diapers so there was a lot less ironing.  That's never a bad thing in my book!

I have ten for her now, which I think will be plenty.  Some of the fabric I had already (the sushi fabric, the Dia de los Muertos fabric, both of the butterfly fabrics) and some I bought just for these.  I also pulled out some fabric I bought ages ago and made covers for my couch pillows.  Those cute pillows I made from place mats didn't hold up well.  I should have guessed that light fabric would be no match for a toddler.

I worked on one other project too - I'll post about that tomorrow!

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