Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Twelve of 12 - March 2012

Or should I say, nine of twelve?  I didn't really get through all twelve this month because my time was pretty evenly split between the sofa and the kitchen table where I worked on a quilt.  There's just not a whole lot of which to take photos in that small of an area!

Here's what I did get:

1.  After three years of loving my old iPhone 3G, I finally upgraded.  My husband insisted I upgrade when we got our tax refund because the old one had been acting up and running slow.  The new one took me almost SEVEN FREAKING HOURS to get all set up, but oh, it's worth it.  It's super fast - even faster than my laptop, I swear - and it can hold all my music now.  LOVE.

Now I just need to take it to get some Ghost Armor (did it on the last one - worth every penny) and a case.

2.  I did a bit of crafting for Miss Kelly.  I started a quilt top on Saturday for a friend and made an error cutting my fabric.  That meant I ended up TWO four inch squares short for my final count.  GRR!!!  I had to run back to the store to grab more of that fabric.  While I was there, I figured since the sewing machine was out I'd make some burp cloths for my girl too.

I was able to find some of the regular cloth diapers with the padding in the middle this time, as opposed to the flat ones that I used for Bubba's burp cloths.  That saved me some work.  I did applique her initial to them using some Steam-A-Seam and then hand embroidered the borders of those.

3.  Said quilt top, finished and ready to be basted.  I embroidered the baby's name on the bottom corner.

4.  I'm a quilting dinosaur.  I still pin baste.  I know people love the spray basting stuff, but I don't trust it.

5.  Trying to get my apps organized.  After I got everything on to the new phone, I pulled all the apps off my old one, leaving just the toddler and baby apps, plus any kid friendly games, behind.  Then I made a few playlists for the boy so that it's only Bubba-friendly music on there. My husband suggested adding the Netflix app so he could watch Go, Diego, Go on there too.  Finally, I hid all the apps that I couldn't delete in a folder on the last screen.

My three year old now has his own iPhone.  True, it's just a glorified iPod at this point, but still.  I never thought I'd see the day.

6.  Bubba's getting better at building his own train tracks, but not so great at making them loop.  As a result, it's not uncommon to find long, snake-like tracks going from one end of a room to the other these days.

7.  We have a rule in our house:  No bandaids unless you're bleeding.  I found this has cut down on the bandaid use considerably, because you know how little kids are with those things.  Well, this means that the second there's any kind of teeny cut with blood, no matter how slight, Bubba actually gets excited because it means he gets to have a bandaid.  In a way, it's sort of cool because it means he doesn't freak out as bad when he does cut himself though!

8.  Since I spent a good portion of yesterday in pain (quilting is hard on a pregnant back!) dinner was sort of a mish mash of self serve options.  I had the last of the fish sticks that were in the freezer.  Bubba had a few too, plus some macaroni and cheese (gag) and a WHOLE (yay!) banana.  We've been giving him lollipops to help with his cough since cough drops are still a choking hazard at this point.

9.  I finished the quilt!  How cute are those elephants on the flannel backing?  I picked two different sets of fabric at the fabric store, then let my husband decide which set I'd make into the quilt.  He also picked the binding.  It was between chocolate brown and pink, and he went with pink.  Also - I'm getting better at those mitered corners on my binding.  Kick butt.

I'm usually a little wary of giving homemade gifts, because too many people still think you're being cheap when you give hand made.  Trust me, for the money I spent on supplies I could have easily picked up some trinket at Babies R Us and had money left over!  That doesn't even take into account the time and effort put into something like this.  Therefore, I only give them to people I really like, and who I know will appreciate them.

Since I didn't get all twelve photos this month, and three of the nine that I did get were of the quilt, I decided to skip scrapping them this month.  I'll incorporate some of the photos into my Project Life pages instead.  I finally got an album for those!  Yay!  Hobby Lobby had the nice American Crafts albums on clearance for $12 so I grabbed a pretty lime green one.


  1. Congrats on the new iPhone, that's fun! I love the burp cloths and quilt. Wonderful job!

  2. Congrats on the iPhone!!!!!

  3. Well you did better than I've ever done. I take two pictures and then give up. My life is way too boring for a 12 of 12 day!

  4. that is true about making handmade gifts. They almost always cost more than it would to just pick something up at the store! I do the same...I only give to those who I know will love what i have made. The quilt is beautiful! That is something I have always wanted to learn. My best friend and aunt both made my new baby girl quilts and I love them...hopefully my girl will hold on to them for a long time...
